Nail the Theses to the Door Game
This is the same game as Pin the Tail on the Donkey. The problem is that they don't sell door props for this holiday so we've gotten creative. One year we had a door from the storage shed, another year we built a door out of foam posterboards duct taped together and painted brown. Each time is different and if you make one this year, please post a picture of it in the comments!
I print out a long scroll of Luther's 95 Theses, blindfold them and let them loose. It's simple, but they love it. I talk to them about how Luther didn't intend to take down the Catholic Church with this act, he just loved his church and wanted to correct those errors. God knew it would spark a Reformation, but Luther didn't. I tell them that Luther was blindfolded to the consequences of his actions, but would one day see that God was moving him to start something big.